Clutching to my Sanity: How I Avoid Burnout While Juggling Work and Personal Life

As a founder, designer, entrepreneur, wife and mom of 3 teens. I've come to realize that juggling the demands of running a business and maintaining a personal life is no easy task. I’ve experienced moments of exhaustion, where it felt like I was constantly on the verge of burnout. Through my journey with Code Republic, I’ve learned how important it is to prioritize my well-being and stay grounded, even when life feels overwhelming. So, I’m sharing my personal strategies for keeping it all together without losing myself in the process.

1. Set Clear Boundaries and Stick to Them

One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned is the importance of boundaries. It’s easy to let work seep into every aspect of life. But I’ve found that setting clear limits on when I’m working and when I’m not is essential for my mental health. I used to check emails at all hours, but now, I’ve set a strict boundary: work ends at 7 PM. This helps me create space for personal time and recharges my creativity for the next day.

2. Embrace the Power of 'No'

It took me a long time to get comfortable saying no, but it's been a game-changer. Early on in my career, I felt like I had to say yes to everything—every project, every opportunity—but it quickly became unsustainable. Now, I prioritize what aligns with my vision and goals for Code Republic, and I don’t hesitate to say no when something doesn’t serve me. This has freed up my time to focus on what really matters—both in my business and my personal life.

3. Delegate, Delegate, Delegate

For the longest time, I tried to do everything myself. As a designer, I’m very hands-on, but I’ve learned that delegating is key to maintaining my sanity. I now trust my team with tasks that don’t require my direct involvement. The same goes for my personal life—I’ve learned to lean on others, whether it’s hiring a cleaner to help at home (Massive game changer for my sanity 🤪) or asking friends and family to pitch in when I need support.

4. Make Time for Self-Care

This is something I used to overlook, thinking there simply wasn’t enough time. But I’ve come to realize that self-care isn’t a luxury—it’s a necessity. Whether it's a quiet morning walk, my nightly skincare ritual, or allowing myself a short amount of time  to scroll mindlessly on social media to zone out for a bit, I make time for myself every day. These small moments of self-care help me recharge and bring a fresh perspective to my work.

5. Master Time Management

Time management has become my best friend. I use time-blocking techniques to structure my day, ensuring I allocate time for creative design work, meetings, and personal time. Breaking my day into focused chunks helps me stay organized and prevents the overwhelming feeling that comes from an endless to-do list.

6. Take Breaks to Reset

I used to believe that working longer hours meant getting more done, but that just led to burnout. Now, I make it a point to take short breaks throughout the day to reset and recharge. A quick walk or stepping away from my desk helps clear my mind and boosts my productivity when I return to work.

7. Celebrate Your Wins

I used to be so focused on what’s next that I didn’t take the time to acknowledge my accomplishments. Now, I make it a point to celebrate even the small victories. Whether it's launching a new collection for Code Republic or simply wrapping up a productive week, I take time to reflect on how far I’ve come. It’s a great way to boost my morale and remind myself of the progress I’m making.

8. Surround Yourself with Support

No woman should feel like she has to do it all alone. I’m grateful for the support network I’ve built—whether it’s my team, my family, or friends who understand the challenges of entrepreneurship. Talking to others who get it can provide perspective and remind you that you’re not alone in this journey.

9. Let Go of Perfection

As a designer, I used to strive for perfection in everything I did. But I’ve come to realize that perfection is often the enemy of progress. I’ve learned to embrace imperfection, understanding that it’s okay to make mistakes and that growth often comes from those missteps. By letting go of the need to be perfect, I’ve freed myself to focus on creating, evolving, and thriving.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned through my journey with Code Republic, it’s that clutching to your sanity while juggling work and life is an ongoing practice. But by setting boundaries, prioritizing self-care, and embracing imperfection, I’ve found a way to avoid burnout and stay true to myself. It’s not always easy, but it’s essential for long-term success—and happiness.

So, here’s to clutching to our well-being, because it’s the foundation of everything we build.

Anthea Xx 

Designer & Founder of Code Republic 

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